The video of the Lord Roscoe is 2 minutes long and has full sound. It shows the Lord Roscoe and American Bricks moving by themselves and the Lord Roscoe walking on them and then with rough play.

The Brick construction is destroyed.
It shows him eating CHEESE! at the end of a table and Roscoe is definitely loving it.
It shows him entering the feld of American Bricks during the destruction phase.
There are some great close-up shots!
I have to say the Hamster is very aware of the camera at all times. He stares right into the camera acting like she some sort of Rock Star. It's kinda weird, but very religious for you in line Rosconians.

This is THE ONLY place on the entire internet you can watch this show!
We are giving it to you for FREE! And, it WON"T be up for long!
How often do you get to see REAL footage of THE LORD ROSCOE IN A HOME MOVIE?
Even though there is a short wait to watch the show, it's well worth it given how wonderful it is!

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We'll tell you what He was really up too in the pic below!
You'll get to see why Paris is laughing! Is it Roscoe's Tickly Feet?